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Professor in Telecommunications
President & CTO
Truva Inc.


Welcome to My Home Page

Truva inc. was founded in March 1989. The focus of the company is consulting, conducting research, teaching classes for industry and academia in the telecommunications area worldwide. Since 1989, many research projects have been successfully completed, and the research work continues on. The commercial and academic research projects are based on 5G/6G Wireless Systems, Internet of xThings (x=Terrestrial, Underwater, Underground, Space, Nano, BioNano), TeraHertz Band Communications,  Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces, Spectrum Sharing, Satellite Communication. Past projects included but not limited to ATM Networks, 2G/3G/4G Wireless Systems, Wireless Sensor Networks, Satellite Networks Interplanetary Internet. 




What’s New?


    Dr Akyıldız joins the Odine research labs as a consultant and advisor to work on a large project on “Self sustaining network management for 6G Wiress Systems” on Dec. 2024.


    A recent paper is submitted for publication: S. J. Norðfjörð, S.  E. Thorsteinsson, and K. Andersen “Powering Underwater Robotics Sensor Networks through Ocean Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer Methods”, December 2024.


    A recent paper is accepted to IEEE Infocom 2025 conference: L.Zhao, J. Tan, J. Wang, I.F. Akyildiz and Z. Sun, “Covering Underwater Shadow Zones using Acoustic Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces”, December 2024.

  • Mobicom2024

    Dr. Akyildiz gives a speech to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the ACM MobiCom conference on November 18-22, 2024, [TEXT]

  • Nanocom2024

    Dr. Akyildiz gives a speech to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the ACM NanoCom conference on Oct. 28-30, 2024., [TEXT]

  • Healthcare

    Prof. Akyildiz gives a seminar  “The Future of Healthcare: Tiny Tech Fighting Disease from Within or Inside the Body’s Future: How BioNanoThings will change the Disease Detection” at New York University Abu Dhabi, on Nov. 4, 2024.

  • Networking 2030

    Dr. Akyildiz gives a seminar “Networking 2030: Extended Reality, Hologram Type Communication, Mulsemedia Systems” at the University of Waterloo, on October 17, 2024.

  • BioNanoThings

    Prof. Akyildiz gives a seminar “Internet of BioNanoThings: Early Detection and Mitigation of Infectious Diseases” at the Michigan State University, on October 2, 2024.

  • Metaverse

    Dr. Akyildiz gives a seminar on “Metaverse: Next Generation Wireless Communication Research Challenges” at the University of Faroyer, Faroe Islands, on September 24, 2024.

More news…