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Professor in Telecommunications
President & CTO
Truva Inc.

Dr. Ian F. Akyildiz

Prof Ian Akyildiz gave a distinguished lectures entitiled “Mulsemedia Communciation in 6G Wireless Systems” at the Int. conference DCOSS-IoT, Abu Dhabi, April 29, 2024.

Prof Ian Akyildiz gave a speech entitiled “Extended Reality, Hologram Type and Mulsemedia Communication in 6G Wireless Systems”, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, March 25, 2024.

Prof Ian Akyildiz gave a keynote speech entitiled “Latest Research Progress in Underwater Wireless Communication Networks” at the ACM WUWNET conference, Shenzhen, China, Nov 27, 2024.

Prof Ian Akyildiz gave a keynote speech entitled with “Mulsemedia Sensor Networks: A New Frontier in Research” at the ACM SenSys Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, Nov. 13, 2023.

Prof. Ian Akyildiz gives a speech entitled “Networking 2030: Metaverse, Extended Reality, Hologram Type and Mulsemedia Communication Challenges in 6G and Beyond Systems” at University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia, May 24, 2024.

Prof. Ian Akyildiz gives a speech entitled “Networking 2030: Metaverse, Extended Reality, Hologram Type and Mulsemedia Communication Challenges in 6G and Beyond Systems” at University of Belgrade, Serbia, May 22, 2024.

Prof. Ian Akyildiz gives a speech entitled “Networking 2030: Metaverse, Extended Reality, Hologram Type and Mulsemedia Communication Challenges in 6G and Beyond Systems” at University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany, April 15, 2024.

Prof. Ian Akyildiz gives a keynote speech entitled “Networking 2030: Metaverse, Extended Reality, Hologram Type and Mulsemedia Communication Challenges in 6G and Beyond Systems” at IEEE Communications Society School a Georgia Tech Research Institute, Sept 25, 2023.

Prof. Ian Akyildiz gives a keynote speech entitled “Space Communication: A Major Research Direction for 6G Wireless Systems“ at the Workshop on “Computing and Space” at the University of Helsinki, Sept. 6, 2023.

Prof. Ian Akyildiz gives a keynote speech entitled “Networking 2030: Metaverse, Extended Reality, Hologram Type and Mulsemedia Communication Challenges in 6G and Beyond Systems” at the International Conference CITIS, at the Universidad Politecnica Salesiana, Guayaquil, Ecuador, July 26, 2023.