ECE 6615: Sensor Networks

Homework 1: Lab Project

Part 3

The goal of this assignment is to get an experience of creating multi-hop sensor networks, in which one or more nodes may engage in forwarding packets to the base station.

    Task 1

    Select four MicaZ nodes and place them in a row. Each sensor is hardcoded with an ID based on their position (1,2,3,4). This must be a ommand-line input to the sensor at compile time (no direct embedding of the ID in the code, leading to one common code for all the sensors). The furthest node from the sink is given the ID (4), then the second furthest node is (3) and so on. Each sensor may be programmed to check if the packet received it is sent from one of its adjacent neighbors and drop the packet if this condition is false. In addition, each packet must have an unique ID or packet number. A node will never process and transmit the same packet twice.

    Connect one sensor board to node (4) and one to node (1). Node (4) will only use the light sensing diode, whereas node (1) will only be using the buzzer. Program the following application:

    1. Node (4) is periodically checking the light level as you did in the second lab assignment. If the light level is below a given pre-defined threshold, transmit a packet to node (1) containing the source node id, the final destination id, the unique packet id and the measured value. Note that there is no need to send a packet if there is no useful information.
    2. Node (3) and then node (2) should relay this information to node (1) in a multi-hop manner. They should show in their LEDs the packet id.
    3. Node (1) should buzz for 10 seconds when the packet is received and after checking that indeed the value is below the pre-defined threshold (data maybe corrupted in a real network).


  • A visual demonstration of Task 1 to one of the TAs is required.
  • Soft-copy of code for Task 1 to be submitted to

Due Date

  • Sunday, March 08, 2015, 11:59pm.

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