ECE 6615: Sensor Networks

Class Organization


Dr. Ian F. Akyildiz
Ken Byers Chair Professor in Telecommunications 
Broadband Wireless Networking (BWN) Lab 
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering 
Georgia Institute of Technology 
Atlanta, GA 30332 

Office: Centergy Building - 75 5th St. NW, 5th Floor, Room 5170, Atlanta, GA 30308 
Tel: (404) 894-5141 
Fax: (404) 894-7883 

Administrative Assistant: Cordai Farrar
Tel: (404)-894-7890

Class schedule and location

Mondays and Wednesdays
4:35pm - 5:55pm
Klaus 2447

Office hours

Students are encouraged to use the email address for immediate response to their questions. Through email we can set up an appointment and meet ASAP.

Please write always "[ECE6615]" in the subject line of your emails.

Course Organization

  • Exams
    Two exams (open book)
    Midterm exam: March 11, 2015.
    Final exam: April 27 week, 2015.

  • Homework
    There will be 3 homework assignments, with one assignment consisting of three simple parts learning how to use sensors and the remaining two assignments will be supporting the lecture notes.

Grade Distribution

    Midterm exam: 30%
    Final exam: 40%
    Homework assignments: 30%

Course Material

The class notes will be available on the Lecture Notes section.


I. F. Akyildiz and M. C. Vuran, "Wireless Sensor Networks," John Wiley and Sons Publ. Company, August 2010.

Teaching Assistants

Chong Han and Bige Deniz Unluturk .

Tel: 404-894-6616
Centergy Building - BWN Lab - 75 5th St. NW, 5th Floor, Room 5158, Atlanta, GA 30308

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