ECE 6615: Sensor Networks

Homework 1 for Section A: Lab Project

Homework 1 is due FEBRUARY 19, 2016 (11:59pm; FRIDAY MIDNIGHT).

In this homework assignment, you will learn how real sensor networks work.

First, you will be asked to form groups of four students, to create a name for your team and to choose an available time slot per week to come to the sensor lab.

Second, you will have to complete three simple tasks which involve programming with TinyOS on MicaZ sensor motes. Further information about TinyOS can be found here.

Each part of the homework requires experiments with MicaZ nodes. These are available in our lab. Each group will have access to the wireless sensor network testbed based on a schedule each week. The procedures and rules for experiments can be found here.

Homework 1 for Sections Q and Q3: Written Homework

Homework 1 is due FEBRUARY 19, 2016 (11:59pm; FRIDAY MIDNIGHT).

The questions for Homework 1 can be found here.

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